
Porvenir town begins with the native population called Selknam (Ona), who inhabited the island in several around 4,000 aborigines. They were nomadic by nature, robust and skilled with the sling, arrow, and bow, living off the hunting of guanacos and birds. The discovery of Porvenir Bay was made in 1880 by Navy officer Jorge Porter, driven by the intense search for gold. Due to its geography and extreme climatic conditions on the island, the bay became a refuge for arriving ships, positioning Porvenir Bay as a centre for mining and livestock activities. The settlement of Porvenir began with the arrival of Croatian and Chilote immigrants. Porvenir town was founded on June 20, 1894, while the ‘Sociedad Explotadora de Tierra del Fuego,’ a private Chilean company with over 1 million hectares between Chile and Argentina on the Island of Tierra del Fuego, was engaged in sheep farming and the export of meat. Over the years, in 1945, oil was discovered in Tierra del Fuego, and consequently, the current history of Porvenir town is also marked by the development of the oil industry. Despite all the growth, the town preserves its initial architecture, reflecting the various events that have occurred throughout the establishment of the town. It has become a beautiful historical town, almost frozen in time since its beginnings. From the discovery of Porvenir Bay to the settlement of Croatian and Chilote immigrants working in gold extraction to the boom in the livestock industry, all had a significant influence on its architectural style, surrounded by picturesque landscapes.